The insurance industry is currently situs ion casino being stirred up about the artist and politician Wanda Hamidah who admits she regrets using Prudential’s health insurance. He also felt cheated by the insurance. He revealed this on his social media account until it became a hot topic of discussion.
Executive Director of the Indonesian Life Insurance Association (AAJI), Togar Pasaribu asked customers to understand product options before choosing the right life insurance.
“To avoid misunderstandings, make sure customers read and understand the products and benefits they get from life insurance because if you dont read it carefully, you can make a big mistake about it on how later on you will claim it for yoruself, including the requirements and the claim process,” Togar told Antara in Jakarta , Wednesday (13/10)
He said very carefully about it, the product to be chosen must also be adjusted to the needs, if the insurance product offers investment value, always understand that investments that offer high returns also have risks.
Several insurance products must also be compared before making a decision, the comparison can be seen, among others, through the terms of the policy, the amount of coverage, risks, and returns offered.
In order to avoid problems in the future, Togar reminded prospective policyholders that they must also take full advantage of the free look period, which is the time when prospective policyholders can read and understand further the terms and conditions of the policy.
“If the prospective police holders agree with these terms and conditions, then they can sign the policy, including in this case the part of the policy relating to the name of the policyholder, the insured, and the heirs,” he said.
On the other hand, prospective policyholders must also pay attention to the requirements for submitting a claim listed in the policy, because the submission of a claim can be rejected if it does not comply with the policy requirements.
Thus, the customer must know what provisions are listed in the policy, for example the provision for a waiting period because there will be claims that cannot be paid.
Claim Submission Can Be Rejected
Then, Togar explained that the application could be rejected if the claim is outside the coverage coverage because in the policy there is protection coverage borne by the life insurance company, such as death by suicide, which is usually not included in the coverage coverage so that the claim will not be paid.
Customer claims can also be rejected if the submission documents are incomplete, so the terms and conditions must be considered because each life insurance company has now provided convenience for claims by attaching the required information and forms on the company’s official website.
In addition, he said that the submission of a claim can be rejected if there is important information that is hidden or not informed as it is, such as a history of illness
“This will affect the claim process if different data information is found,” concluded Togar.
Here is also tips for you on how to claim insurance : Tips For You To Claim insurance